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Reasons To Visit a Urology and What to Expect

Reasons To Visit a Urology and What to Expect

A specialist called urologist is often advised for patients with urinary tract problems. So, if you have such health issues, your regular doctor will refer you to one. But what exactly is a urologist? When should you see one?

A urologist specializes on treating the urinary system which includes the bladder, the kidneys, the urethra and ureters. Likewise, if women go to an OB-Gyne for their reproductive system issues, men go to a urologist for theirs.

Usually, for mild urinary tract health issues, your regular doctor may be able to handle them. But in most cases, when the problem is severe and long standing, you will be referred to a urologist. Here are indications that you may need to visit this specialized doctor:

  • when you find blood in your urine
  • feel pain when you urinate
  • loss control of bladder often
  • enlarged prostate
  • urinary tract cancer
  • pain in the lower back, abdomen, and/or groin area

Besides treating bladder problems, urinary tract infections. kidney stones, kidney blockage, as well as, bladder and kidney cancer, a urologist will treat men reproductive issues such as erectile dysfunction, testicular cancer, enlarged prostate and prostate cancer.

A wide range of treatments and procedures are advised and performed by a urologist depending on the health problem. For instance, for the loss of bladder control, you will be provided with medication, as well as, training exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles. Procedures that are commonly done by a urologist include the following: Cystoscopy (a close up look on the bladder and urethra using cystoscope); Ureteroscopy (similar with cystoscopy but on the kidneys and ureters instead); Vasectomy (removal of the tubes that carry sperm); Prostate Biopsy (removal of some tissue from the prostate for lab testing); Nephrectomy (removal of kidney for cancer treatment).

What should you expect then when you visit a urologist? For the first appointment, you will need to provide info regarding your health history, asked about your symptoms and medicines taken. A physical exam will be conducted including genital and rectal exams. Depending on your problem and symptoms, blood tests and imaging tests may likewise be ordered for closer assessment of the organs involved.

Check out, a leading expert in in this field, featuring a skilled group of urologists using the most advanced technology when it comes to procedures and treatments. The site is available to contact for more info about the services offered and about the practitioners who will perform them, among others.